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Autostart Services with Systemd in Linux

Before getting started, it's recommended that you have a basic idea of what's actually going on by reading this awesome page on the Arch Wiki.

The command we want to run is:


where /apps/myapp is the directory and executable is the name of the binary that we want to execute.


If you're running the service using your existing user account, follow these steps:

  1. Get your username by running:

    id -un
  2. Find your group name by running:

    id -gn
  3. For detailed user and group information, run:


    Example output:

    uid=1000(username) gid=1000(groupname) groups=1000(groupname),27(sudo),100(users)

    Here, username is your username, and groupname after gid= is your primary group name.

For better security, it's recommended to create a separate user and group to run the service. This ensures the service is isolated from your main user account.

To create a new user and group:

  1. Create a new group:

    sudo groupadd servicegroup
  2. Create a new user with no login shell and assign it to the group:

    sudo useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin -g servicegroup serviceuser
    • -r: Creates a system user.
    • -s /usr/sbin/nologin: Ensures the user cannot log in.
    • -g servicegroup: Assigns the user to the specified group.
  3. Ensure the user and group have the necessary permissions for the application directory:

    sudo chown -R serviceuser:servicegroup /apps/myapp

Ensure that the user running the service has the necessary permissions to access the application directory and any configuration files or resources it depends on.

Creating a Systemd Service File

  1. Create a systemd service file:

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service

    Replace myapp with the desired name for the service.

  2. Add the following content:

    Description=MyApp Service

    ExecStart=/apps/myapp/executable args --config arg2


    Replace the following placeholders:

    • ExecStart: Full path to your executable with any required arguments.
    • WorkingDirectory: Directory where your application resides.
    • User: The user running the service.
    • Group: The group running the service.
    • For more details, refer to the systemd.service documentation's OPTIONS section.
  3. Save and close the file.

Enabling and Starting the Service

  1. Reload systemd to recognize the new service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. Enable the service to start on boot:

    sudo systemctl enable myapp
  3. Start the service immediately:

    sudo systemctl start myapp
  4. Verify the service is running:

    sudo systemctl status myapp

Viewing Logs

To view logs for the service in real-time, run:

journalctl -u myapp -f

Make sure to test the service thoroughly to confirm it behaves as expected both during manual starts and after a system reboot.