De-Bloating Windows and Increasing Privacy
Tron is a glorified collection of batch files that automate the process of cleaning up Windows systems. It is built with heavy reliance on community input and updated regularly.
Tron supports all versions of Windows from 7 to 11 (server variants included).
Debotnet - Debotnet is a tiny portable tool for controlling Windows 10's many privacy-related settings and keep your personal data private.
Privatezilla - Performs a privacy & security check of Windows 10.
WindowsSpyBlocker - Block spying and tracking on Windows
- (Source Code) - Open-source tool to enforce privacy & security best-practices on Windows and macOS, because privacy is sexy.
WinSlap - Swiftly configure a fresh Windows 10 installation with useful tweaks and antispy settings.
Chemo - Remove pre-installed junk from Windows 10.
0&0 - Free antispy tool
O&O AppBuster - Bust Apps you do not want (uninstall store applications and packages)
Windows 10 DNS Block List - Windows DNS Block List
- This is an exhaustive list of all Windows DNS names that call back to Microsoft or third party applications builtin to the Operating System.
Sophia Script for Windows - The most powerful PowerShell module on GitHub for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and tweaking.
Optimize Offline - Optimize-Offline is a Windows 10 offline image optimization framework.
Windows 10 Bloat Remover and Tweaker - Configurable CLI tool to easily and aggressively debloat and tweak Windows 10 by removing preinstalled UWP apps, services and more.
Windows On Reins - Wor is a Powershell script to harden, debloat, optimize, enhance privacy, avoid fingerprinting and improve performance on Windows 10 and 11.
PowerShell scripts for Windows 10 - PowerShell script for Windows 10 privacy settings.
Windows10Tools - Tools for Windows 10.
win10-unfuck - Remove anti-privacy, anti-security, and general nuisance "features" from Windows 10.
Windows-Optimize-Debloat - For those who seek to minimize their Windows 10 installs.
Win10 Initial Setup Script - PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019.
windows-settings - Windows 10 hardening scripts and configs.
Windows 10 Privacy and Control Enhance - A PowerShell script to automatically configure for the highest privacy and control settings in Windows 10.
Windows 10 Privacy Fixup - Fixes and nuters the Windows 10 bloat and privacy violations so it can be finally usable.
windows10-debloat - Collection of various scripts and apps to debloat Windows 10 for better privacy, performance and optimization.
BetterPrivacy - PowerShell script to improve your privacy on Windows 10 computers.
Windows 10 batch optimizer - Autotuner Windows 10 for awesome perfomance setting, privacy and security.
Windows-10-Hardening - An admittedly frivolous (and infrequently updated) attempt to harden Windows 10.
Resources collected with the help of TemporalAgent7/awesome-windows-privacy repository